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The stamp club in White Rock started on April 8, 1989.
At that time is was called the White Rock Stamp Club.
The members present were:-
Wilma Schmidt, Les Chatten, John Gagne, Rock Holmann, Gordon Kent, Berta Hynam, Rex Monk, Alfred Bennett, Fred A.Graham, Elmer Daugm, Muriel Astrom, Maxine Corfee, Jack Gorman, John Maxwell, C.Vangoest, Otto Bicker, Betty Smith, Dorthy Slaughter, Jim Longborne and one unknown due to scribbled signature. Mr. James Longbourne was the
originator of this club and was the first president for many years. The club was also going to be named "The Semiahmoo Stamp club". Semiahmoo is the native tribe located in this area and also the name of body of water that is adjacent to the White Rock area.
The club changed it's name to The PEACE ARCH STAMP CLUB, in October 1992 to encompass the wider area on both sides of the border.The original meeting location was in the White Rock Cenntenial arena. Mr.Mike Scott was elected President in 1995 and ULf Hedendahl took over as treasurer for Rick Holman,who retired due to ill health.
Mr. Bill Carracher was the club's president, treasurer and secretary as of January 2001 due to ill health of Mike Scott. These were turbulent times when volunteers were in short supply.
Mr. Stephen Melanson past president [2003 - 2016]
Terry LEISHMAN 2017 -


page updated Dec 3,2015
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